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Health & Safety Information

Female with pink hair, red cardigan, looking at cabbage piece

Buy Art Fair Ltd is committed to the health and safety of all fair exhibitors and visitors. We will continue to monitor and follow central and local government guidelines as it relates to Covid-19. There are no Covid-19 specific entry requirements to this year’s fair.

Mask Friendly

We are a mask friendly event and encourage visitors, exhibitors, and staff to wear one in crowded areas or while near other people.  Please be respectful of others’ personal choice. This guidance will be updated to the exhibition to remain in line with current government policy.

All visitors must agree NOT to attend if they answer YES to any of the following questions:

  • Are you feeling unwell, including a high temperature, new continuous cough, and a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste?
  • Are you currently required to isolate following a visit to an area or country where quarantine is required upon return?
  • Have you been told to self-isolate by a government test and trace service?
  • Is anyone in your household suffering with COVID-19 symptoms?
  • Have you been in close contact with anyone who has COVID-19 or anyone who has been showing symptoms?

All attendees must agree to leave immediately should they develop COVID-19 symptoms during the event. All attendees must agree to be always considerate to those around them and respectful of all safety measures at the show.

Additional Safety Measures

Other event safety measures include:

  • Frequent and enhanced cleaning of public areas, toilets, and touch points around the venue
  • Hand sanitiser and/or hand washing facilities throughout the venue, and we will encourage all visitors and exhibitors to regularly utilise them
  • Contactless payment will be encouraged (along with contactless ticket scanning)
  • Exhibiting companies will be asked to undertake an enhanced risk assessment to ensure they are COVID-19 secure in line with any existing guidance

Updated by Buy Art Fair Ltd (September 2022)