Ticket Prices
To be confirmed in 2025
All tickets are strictly non-refundable
What are the opening times?
Preview Evening Friday 21 November 17.00 - 21.00
Saturday 22 November 10.00 - 18.00 Sunday 23 November 10.00 - 16.00
Do children need tickets?
Children under 16 are free to enter (without a ticket) the fair with a paying adult.
Carer Tickets
Guests with accessible needs are entitled to a free carer ticket for one personal assistant/carer who accompanies any disabled guest. All visiting guests except for the carer require a purchased ticket. Please email jo.hetherington@easelprojects.com
Are pets allowed into the fair?
In line with venue regulations, only assistance dogs are allowed into Manchester Central.
Bag policy
For your security, bag checks will be carried out as you enter the venue so please have your bags ready for checking. Thank you for your co-operation.
Is there a cloakroom?
A cloakroom is available to coats and large bags in the foyer. The cloakroom is secure and staffed, people hand over their bags and receive a number to return on collection.
What are the best ways to get to the fair? Is there parking at the fair?
Here is all the information on the best way to reach the fair and parking options
Art Wrap & Local Delivery
We offer a complimentary wrapping service and local delivery service (for a fee) for any art bought at the fair run by The British Shop. Don't forget to ask the gallerist for your proof of purchase form so you can pass through the security exit with ease.